Garden Kids Ministry (GKM)
Our Garden Kids program provides a fun and interactive program for children to engage in WORSHIP, CONNECT with God, BELONG as they build meaningful relationships, and GROW spiritually.
Garden Youth Ministry (GYM)
Garden Youth Ministry (GYM) is a movement of middle school and high school students who are passionate about Jesus and living out authentic, life-changing relationships in Him.

Garden Young Adults (GYA)
Garden Young Adults (GYA) is a place where college students, working singles, and young couples passionately pursue Jesus in unity. We celebrate differences in culture and background, and aim to build genuine relationships for the purpose of building God's Kingdom.
Community Groups
You belong in a community group! It’s our heart's desire that you draw closer to God and build great friendships with others.

At The Garden Church, we want to equip and empower you throughout your spiritual journey. Whether you’re new or have been attending the church for a while, the following classes will help you take the next step in growing and developing as a disciple.
God places other Christians in our lives to help us grow. Mentoring is designed to help you take the next step in your discipleship. After you sign-up, you will be paired with another Christian committed to walking alongside you as you pursue spiritual growth.
Whether you’re a new believer who wants to build a firm foundation, or a long-time Christian who is ready to take your faith to the next level, we have trained mentors eager to grow with you!
Whether you’re a new believer who wants to build a firm foundation, or a long-time Christian who is ready to take your faith to the next level, we have trained mentors eager to grow with you!

If you have any prayer request, please click below and let us know. We stand in prayer with you.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7 NLT
1 Peter 5:7 NLT