What is the address of Pepperdine University?
24255 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90263
Who can I call if there is an emergency?
Fire/Emergency Medical Services/Police:  911
Pepperdine Department of Public Safety:  (310) 506-4441
Department of Public Safety:  (310) 506-4442
Campus Office:  (310) 506-4264
What is inside the dorm rooms?
Each dorm room has two twin beds, desk and closet.  You will need to bring all necessary bedding (sheets, blanket, pillows, etc.)  Most rooms also have a mini fridge and microwave oven.

Four dorm rooms makes a suite which shares a bathroom and a common area.  The bathroom has two toilets and two shower stalls.
Where will Garden Kids Ministry meet during the Main Session?
The kids will join the Main Session for praise.  Volunteers will walk the kids to the HAWC building for their program.  Parents will pick up their kids from HAWC at the end of the Main Session.

(Kids Retreat Session Info)
What will the Garden Youth Ministry do during the retreat?
GYM students will join the Main Sessions.  During free time on Saturday, they will have some organized events.
Where should I park my vehicle?
We have been assigned to parking lot next to the baseball field.  (map)
Is there a fee if I lose my room key?
Yes, you will be charged $75 for each room key you do not return.
What time is check out?
Check out time is Sunday 5/19 at 11am.  All dorms must be cleared out by this time.